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Understanding The Pro Life Movement

Writer's picture: The ElephantThe Elephant

32. “Antiabortionists are so cruel that they insist on showing hideous pictures of dead babies.”

a.   What is hideous is not the pictures themselves, but the reality they depict.

b.   Pictures challenge our denial of the horrors of abortion.  If something is too horrible to look at, perhaps it is too horrible to condone.

c.   Nothing could be more relevant to the discussion of something than that which shows what it really is.

d.   It is the prochoice position, not the pro life position, that is cruel.

It’s understandable that these images are deeply disturbing, and no one enjoys seeing them. However, the real issue here isn’t the pictures themselves, but the reality they depict. These images serve as a stark reminder of what abortion actually is. If something is too horrifying to look at, we must ask ourselves: is it something we should condone?

The purpose of showing these images is not to shock or hurt people, but to challenge the tendency to deny the true consequences of abortion. Sometimes, seeing the truth forces us to confront difficult realities that are easier to ignore. It's not the pro-life movement that is cruel, but the act of abortion itself. These images are a visual representation of that reality.

33. “Pro Lifers don’t care about women and they don’t care about babies once they’re born.  They have no right to speak against abortion unless they are willing to care for these children.”

a.   Pro Lifers are actively involved in caring for women in crisis pregnancies and difficult child-raising situations.

b.   Pro Lifers are actively involved in caring for unwanted children and the other “disposable people” in society.

c.   It is abortion providers who do not provide support for women choosing anything other than abortion.

This is a common misconception, but nothing could be further from the truth. Pro-lifers are deeply involved in caring for both women and children, before and after birth. From crisis pregnancy centers offering emotional and material support to adoption agencies and charitable organizations, the pro-life community is committed to helping women in difficult situations.

Many pro-life advocates dedicate their lives to supporting women and children facing challenging circumstances, providing resources, medical care, housing, and counseling. On the other hand, abortion providers often offer no such support when a woman chooses life for her child. The pro-life movement is about standing with both the mother and the child—offering compassion and support at every stage.

34. “The antiabortionists are a bunch of men telling women what to do.”

a.   There is no substantial difference between men and women’s views of abortion.

b.   Some polls suggest that more women than men oppose abortion.

c.   The great majority of pro life workers are women.

d.   If men are disqualified from the abortion issue, they should be disqualified on both sides.

e.   Men are entitled to take a position on abortion.

f.   Of women who have had abortions, far more are prolife activists than prochoice activists.

This argument is often used to silence pro-life advocates, but it misrepresents the reality of the movement. In fact, many women are leaders in the pro-life movement, and there is little difference in the views of men and women on this issue. In some cases, more women oppose abortion than men. The majority of pro-life activists are women, many of whom have experienced abortion themselves and now advocate for life.

Moreover, if we disqualify men from speaking on the issue of abortion, we must disqualify them on both sides of the debate, not just one. Men have the right to hold and express opinions on issues of life and death, just as women do. Human dignity and the protection of life are issues that transcend gender.

35. “Antiabortionists talk about the sanctity of human life, yet they favor capital punishment.”

a.   Not all Pro Lifers favor capital punishment.

b.   Capital punishment is rooted in a respect for innocent human life.

c.   There is a vast difference between punishing a convicted murderer and killing an innocent child.

While not all pro-lifers support capital punishment, those who do often see it as rooted in the same respect for life that leads them to oppose abortion. The difference lies in the fact that capital punishment is reserved for those who have committed grave crimes and been found guilty through a legal process, while abortion ends the life of an innocent child.

There is a vast moral difference between punishing a convicted murderer and ending the life of an unborn child who has done no wrong. Defending the sanctity of innocent human life does not conflict with holding those who commit serious crimes accountable for their actions.

36. “Antiabortion fanatics break the law, are violent, and bomb abortion clinics.”

a.   Media coverage of pro life civil disobedience often bears little resemblance to what actually happens.

b.   Pro life civil disobedience should not be condemned without understanding the reasons behind it.

c.   Peaceful civil disobedience is consistent with the belief that the unborn are human beings.

d.   Pro Life protests have been remarkably nonviolent,

e.   Abortion clinic bombing and violence are rare, and are neither done nor endorsed by Pro Life organizations.

Violence is never acceptable, and it’s important to note that acts of violence against abortion clinics or providers are extremely rare. These acts are not condoned by the mainstream pro-life movement, which overwhelmingly advocates for peaceful protest and legal action. The media often portrays pro-life civil disobedience in an unfair light, but the reality is that most protests are peaceful.

It’s important to understand that pro-life civil disobedience comes from a deeply held belief that unborn children deserve the same legal protection as born people. When peaceful protests take place, they are meant to raise awareness and call attention to the injustice of abortion, not to incite violence.

37. “The antiabortionists distort the facts and resort to emotionalism to deceive the public.”

a.   The facts themselves make abortion an emotional issue.

b.   It is not the prolife position, but the prochoice position that relies on emotionalism more than truth and logic.

c.   The prolife position is based on documented facts and empirical evidence, which many prochoice advocates ignore or distort.

d.   The prochoice movement consistently caricatures and misrepresents Prolifers and their agenda.

e.   The prochoice movement, from its beginnings, has lied to and exploited women, including the “roe of Roe v. Wade and the “Doe” of Doe v. Bolton.

Abortion is inherently an emotional issue, and it is the pro-life movement’s reliance on documented facts and scientific evidence that makes the case so compelling. Pro-life advocates do not need to rely on emotional manipulation because the facts speak for themselves: abortion ends the life of a human being.

On the contrary, it is often the pro-choice movement that relies on emotional appeals and slogans like “my body, my choice,” while sidestepping the scientific facts about fetal development and the reality of abortion. The pro-life position is rooted in truth, logic, and scientific evidence, which many in the pro-choice movement choose to ignore or distort.

38. “Antiabortion groups hide behind a profamily façade, while groups such as Planned Parenthood are truly profamily because they assist in family planning.”

a.   The prochoice movement’s imposition of “family planning” on teenagers has substantially contributed to the actual cause of teen pregnancy.

b.   Through its opposition to parental notification and consent, Planned Parenthood consistently undermines the value and authority of the family.

c.   Planned Parenthood makes huge financial profits from persuading people to get abortions.

d.   Planned Parenthood has been directly involved in the scandals of trafficking baby body parts.

e.   As demonstrated in the case of Becky Bell, the prochoice movement is willing to distort and exploit family tragedies to promote its agenda.

f.    Planned Parenthood, the prochoice movement, and the media ignore family tragedies that do not support the prochoice agenda.

The idea that organizations like Planned Parenthood are “pro-family” is misleading. Planned Parenthood’s push for family planning through abortion and contraception, especially targeting teenagers, has contributed to the very problems it claims to solve, including higher rates of teen pregnancy and the breakdown of family structures.

Planned Parenthood undermines the authority of families by opposing parental consent and notification laws, profiting from abortion services, and involving itself in controversial practices like trafficking baby body parts. By contrast, the pro-life movement seeks to strengthen families and support women in making life-affirming choices.


For more information on this book, see Randy Alcorn's Pro Life Answers to Pro Choice Arguments.

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