It’s infinitely harder to hold a coherent pro-choice position than a pro-life one, and that’s because the pro-choice argument is built on lies. Seth Gruber, a fierce advocate for the unborn, encourages us to ask well-formulated questions that cut through the pro-choice rhetoric and expose its moral bankruptcy:
Why was Scott Peterson charged with two counts of murder for killing his pregnant wife and their unborn child, but had Laci Peterson wanted to terminate the pregnancy, it would have been perfectly legal?
In countries like China and India, millions of female fetuses are aborted in a practice known as gendercide. Do you, as an advocate of women’s rights, have any moral objections to this?
What’s the fundamental difference between an unborn human and a newborn that makes it morally acceptable to end the life of one but not the other?
90% of unborn babies diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted. Do you have any issue with this, given its disturbing similarity to the eugenics movement—where society methodically eliminates those deemed "unfit" to live?
Then there’s the case of abortionist Ulrich Klopfer, who kept over 2,200 aborted babies preserved in his garage—babies stored like trophies. What does it say about our society that we allowed this to happen?
Dr. William R. White testified before Congress that fetuses as young as 20 weeks experience pain. Should babies scheduled for abortion be given anesthesia to ease the pain of their dismemberment?
These questions reveal the disturbing reality that the pro-choice argument is not grounded in logic or humanity, but in a systematic devaluation of human life.
The Reality of Abortion Practices: Where Do We Draw the Line?
Consider the story that CBS reported in May 2019. Baby Saybie was born prematurely at just 23 weeks, weighing 8.6 ounces—the size of an apple. After tireless efforts from the San Diego hospital staff, she survived and went home. Yet, under current abortion laws, it would be perfectly legal to terminate a baby even older than Saybie. How can anyone justify killing a 28-week-old baby in the womb but celebrate the survival of a 23-week-old outside of it? Where is the moral line?
There are several states where abortion is now legal through the day of birth. A woman can end her pregnancy at 39 weeks, just days or even hours before the baby is due. Moreover, there are states such as Minnesota that allow for babies who survive a failed abortion and are born alive - to die. Let that sink in. Where is the morality in that?
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