Do not read this article - unless you agree to read the disclaimer at the end!
Kamala Harris, the reigning champion of woke and identity politics, made a divine appearance at the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Stonecrest, Georgia, on Sunday. It was a day for the ages. Not just because it was Harris's 60th birthday or because she graced the pulpit of a Christian church (irony alert!), but because she delivered a groundbreaking sermon titled, wait for it… “Abortion or Bust: Why God is Totally Cool with Your Personal Convenience.”
Yes, you read that correctly.
Standing at the front of a congregation that once believed “Thou Shall Not Kill” was more than just a helpful suggestion, Kamala passionately preached the virtues of what can only be described as the "new Christianity." You see, it’s not just about showing compassion or being respectful anymore; it’s about embracing the latest trends in sin. And, as Harris boldly declared, abortion is officially the "in thing" even with the Good Lord Himself. Move over miracles, we've got "modern convenience" to worship now!
In her stirring sermon, Kamala made a compelling argument that abortion isn’t just a moral right; it’s a divine one! Her reasoning was nothing short of biblical—if by biblical, you mean made up on the spot. Listed below is a three point outline of her sermon of why God loves abortions.
Point One: “God, in His infinite wisdom, realized the Earth is getting way too crowded," Kamala declared, with the kind of seriousness usually reserved for health lectures. “He’s been up there watching us and thinking, ‘We really need to cut down on this baby boom nonsense.’ And what better way to do that than, you guessed it, abortion! God loves efficiency!”
Point Two: “Convenience is next to Godliness,” she announced, to a somewhat puzzled but polite congregation. “Because nothing says ‘love thy neighbor’ like making sure you have enough time for brunch on Sundays without the burden of diapers.” Harris winked at the crowd as if she had just revealed a little-known passage from the Bible—probably hidden somewhere between Exodus and Leviticus.
Point Three: “It’s trendy!” she proclaimed, explaining that all the cool people in Hollywood are on board. “Just like avocado toast and gender-neutral baby names, abortion is simply what’s hot right now. And let me remind you, Jesus hung out with the influencers of His time. So, naturally, He’d be all about keeping up with the latest cultural fads.”
A Congregation Transformed
By the time Harris wrapped up her sermon, the congregation had undergone a stunning transformation. Women—previously content with traditional roles like, you know, motherhood—were now pledging their loyalty to the cause. “If the Good Lord allows me to get pregnant, I promise to schedule my abortion before the third trimester,” one woman proudly exclaimed, as others nodded in agreement.
Harris, pleased with the results of her unholy mission, took a bow. “I just love coming to church. It’s the one place where we can truly discuss life, choice, and the moral necessity of prioritizing our calendars over inconvenient little... interruptions.”
The men in the congregation were equally inspired, though not in the way Harris might have expected. One man stood up and, with tears in his eyes, proclaimed, “If she can do all this with abortion, I can only imagine what her thoughts are on mandatory vasectomies. Let’s make it happen!”
DISCLAIMER: A Reflection on Truth, Wokeness, and the Church
The opening of this article of Kamala Harris preaching on abortion is entirely fictitious; however, it might as well be reality, given her outspoken advocacy for abortion and other woke ideologies that are in opposition with Christianity.
What happened at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday is just one reminder of what is occurring throughout our country as many Christian churches bow to a theology that seems more aligned with cultural trends than biblical truth. This disclaimer seeks to address this shift respectfully, especially for those with differing views, while reaffirming my commitment as a Christian to the principles and truths outlined in Scripture.
Welcome to the 21st century where woke churches teach that a person's Christian identity is no longer defined by faith, but by race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other label society creates. These churches conform not to the unchanging standards of biblical Christianity, but to the ever-changing dictates of culture. In doing so, they seem to be recreating God in their own image, molding Him to fit their desires rather than submitting to biblical truth.
Nowhere is this more evident than in the recent invitation for Kamala Harris to speak before the congregation at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. While I understand the cultural and historical significance of inviting a prominent Black leader to speak, I struggle to comprehend the Christian connection. After all, God does not judge by outward appearance, race, success, or popularity. Scripture reminds us that God looks at the heart. And what does He seek? Truthfulness, obedience, and alignment with His commandments. This is the essence of what it means to be a Christian, and it is not subject to negotiation or cultural revision. The Bible is God’s instruction manual, not a suggestion book.
And yet, the church welcomed Kamala Harris, a figure who, for many Christians—including myself—represents the very antithesis of biblical Christianity. It is open to debate on whether or not Kamala Harris told Christians they are unwelcome at her rallies, however her stance on abortion and her enthusiastic support of the woke agenda should be enough to make any Christian pause. Her agenda, as many of us see it, is in direct conflict with the Bible. In truth, her woke ideology stands in opposition to the fundamental tenets of Christianity.
“Woke Christianity” or “progressive Christianity” is not merely a reinterpretation of the faith; it is a distortion. It reframes Christianity in terms of modern Marxist ideologies, dividing people into categories of oppressors and oppressed. It replaces the timeless message of salvation with one of political power and social activism. This is not the Christianity of the Bible. It is a counterfeit, one that redefines God’s love in terms of permissiveness, not righteousness.
I understand that some might ask, “How can a Christian support someone like Donald Trump, who is far from perfect?” The answer is simple: we are not voting for the perfection of a person; we are voting for policies that align with our values. If you believe in the traditional family, in the protection of the unborn, and in religious freedom, then the choice becomes clear. It is not about the flaws of a candidate, but about the principles they uphold.
I am reminded of the poem by Pastor Martin Niemöller, who famously wrote, “First they came…” the poem was a response to the silence of German intellectuals and clergy during the rise of the Nazis. Niemöller’s poem is a powerful reminder that silence in the face of injustice is complicity. We cannot afford to remain silent as churches drift further into the cult of wokeness, abandoning truth for the sake of cultural relevance. In the case of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, they have not just remained silent—they have openly embraced one of the leaders of the new woke gospel which stands at odds with biblical truth.
As Christians, we are called to stand firm, to defend the truth. The battle is not simply political; it is spiritual. The church must not bow to the winds of culture, but rather hold fast to the unchanging Word of God.
Matthew 12:30 reminds us, "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who is not doing the Father's work of gathering up the flock may as well be scattering the flock."
Remember a non vote is a vote. Don't remain silent , make your voice matter in this election, and choose faithfully.
Another Elephants Den article on this click:
Pastor's perspective on politics. Must Video:
"If your pastor is preaching the virtues of Kamala Harris and her policies, you’re not at church—you’re at an outpost of the Democratic National Convention. These men are not shepherding souls—they are leading them into spiritual destruction." Virgil Walker