The truth doesn’t care about a political agenda. But in the ongoing battle over late-term abortions, truth has been the first casualty, sacrificed on the altar of political expediency. Let’s revisit the Trump-Harris debate, a moment that should have been eye-opening for anyone paying attention to the media’s role in distorting the truth. Trump called out the horrifying reality of late-term abortions, even post-birth abortions. Yet, thanks to the “fact-checking” skills of moderator Linsey Davis and Kamala Harris’s silence, 60 million Americans were led to believe that Trump was lying. He wasn’t. The facts were on his side, but the media was not.
Kamala Harris and her allies were quick to dismiss Trump’s claims as exaggerated, despite evidence to the contrary. The media, eager to protect their preferred candidate, allowed these lies to take root. Harris’s voting record and her stance on abortion are undeniable. She voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which sought to ban most abortions after 20 weeks—effectively endorsing the availability of late-term abortions. It’s a stance that is morally indefensible, yet Harris dodges accountability at every turn.
Her running mate, Tim Walz, has taken this extremism even further. Walz, in his 2023 PRO Act, legalized abortion at any stage of pregnancy for any reason. Let that sink in—any stage of pregnancy. This law doesn’t impose the typical “viability” restrictions seen in other states. It doesn’t require that late-term abortions be performed only for medical necessity or to save the mother’s life. Under the PRO Act, an abortion can happen at any time, no justification needed.
As if this weren’t radical enough, Walz also signed SF 2995, repealing a law that required medical professionals to provide life-saving care to infants born alive after a failed abortion. Now, a viable baby can be left to die with nothing more than “comfort care.” This is a gross violation of basic human decency, but Minnesota’s governor has enshrined it in law. The media has not held him accountable; they’ve barely reported on it. Yet this grotesque policy is a chilling preview of what a Harris-Walz administration could pursue at the federal level.
This isn’t just about abortion—it’s about the morality of a society that refuses to care for its most vulnerable. Babies with disabilities, born alive after failed abortions, are especially at risk. Minnesota now has one of the most extreme abortion regimes in the world, and the mainstream media remains complicit in covering it up. When pro-life advocates like Jill Stanek speak out, recounting their firsthand experience with babies left to die in abortion facilities, they are smeared, discredited, or simply ignored by the same media that gives Harris and Walz a free pass.
Let’s be clear: this is infanticide, plain and simple. It’s not just immoral; it’s evil. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, designed to protect infants who survive abortions, was gutted by Walz’s administration. The law no longer mandates that medical professionals “preserve” the life of a baby born alive. Instead, it requires only that they “care” for the infant, a vague term that could mean anything from providing life-saving intervention to simply making the baby comfortable while it dies.
In addition to signing legislation that broadly protects abortion rights, Governor Tim Walz has supported efforts to remove reporting requirements for babies who survive botched abortions. Under previous regulations, healthcare providers were required to report instances where a baby is born alive after a failed abortion attempt. Walz’s administration has moved to relax these reporting standards, a move that has drawn criticism from those who argue that it diminishes accountability and care for the most vulnerable survivors.
This is the reality that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are trying to hide from the American public. They want you to believe that late-term abortions and infanticide are a figment of the pro-life imagination, but the truth is far more disturbing. Harris and Walz are lying to you, and the media is letting them get away with it.
The double standard is glaring. Imagine if these policies were being pushed by conservatives—there would be a media firestorm. Instead, Harris and Walz are treated like champions of women’s rights, while the horror of their abortion extremism goes unchallenged. The media has abdicated its responsibility to hold them accountable. They are complicit in perpetuating these lies, and they are as guilty as the perpetrators.
The Protect Reproductive Options Act and Walz’s repeal of life-saving care for infants born alive set a dangerous precedent. It’s a green light for abortion-on-demand on the front end and infanticide on the back end. This is the legacy Harris and Walz want to bring to the White House.
In closing, we are faced with a moral and political crisis. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are not just wrong—they are part of a movement that embraces the culture of death, disguising it as “reproductive rights.” Their extreme positions on abortion must be exposed for what they truly are: a radical agenda that devalues human life, undermines common decency, and lies to the American public at every turn.
It’s time to wake up to the lunacy of it all. This is murder, plain and simple, and the American public deserves to know the truth.
Disclaimer: This article encourages readers to fact-check all claims and statements. It’s essential to verify the accuracy of information from multiple sources and critically evaluate the data presented. The intent is to provide clear, researched perspectives, but independent research is always encouraged to arrive at your own informed conclusions.