Let he who is without sin cast the first . . . Oh wait, never mind!

In a plot twist that could rival any daytime soap opera, the Senate Armed Services Committee has turned Pete Hegseth’s confirmation hearing into a masterclass in political hypocrisy. Senators from the liberal left—and their RINO cheerleaders—have taken it upon themselves to play moral referees, wagging their fingers at Hegseth for alleged lapses in judgment, while conveniently forgetting the skeletons in their own closets. Thankfully, Senator Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma stepped up to shine a glaring spotlight on the absurdity of these proceedings, leaving the room awash in awkward laughter and nervous glances.
As Hegseth sat patiently through his third hour of questioning, enduring everything from accusations of drunken behavior to critiques of his tattoos, Mullin decided enough was enough. What followed was a takedown so thorough that one could almost hear the collective sound of glass houses shattering across Capitol Hill.
Drunk Senators Throwing Stones
Senator Tim Kaine (or, as Mullin affectionately called him, "the senator from Virginia") had the audacity to question whether Hegseth had ever shown up to work intoxicated. Mullin’s response? Priceless.
“How many senators have shown up drunk to vote at night?” Mullin asked, prompting chuckles from the gallery. “Have any of you guys asked them to step down and resign from their job? And don’t tell me you haven’t seen it because I know you have!”
Touché, Senator Mullin. If the Senate had a Breathalyzer on hand, it might explain why some late-night votes seem to defy logic—or basic sobriety.
The Morality Police: Now with Extra-Marital Affairs!
But Mullin wasn’t done yet. When Senator Kaine pivoted to allegations of an extramarital affair involving Hegseth, Mullin fired back with a scathing reminder of the hypocrisy at play. Kaine himself had no issue campaigning alongside Kamala Harris’s husband, who allegedly cheated on his first wife and even fathered a child with the family nanny. If extramarital affairs are truly a disqualifier, why does that standard vanish when it’s politically convenient? Adding to the irony, numerous senators in that very chamber have their own well-documented affairs, yet none faced calls to step down. The hypocrisy on display couldn’t have been more glaring.
And let’s not even get started on the Clintons. Faithful marriage role models? Only if your definition of fidelity includes cigars, interns, and the phrase “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”
Tattoos and Budget Hypocrisy
Then came the pièce de résistance: Hegseth’s tattoos. Senators questioned the phrase “Deus Vult” inked on his arm, suggesting it had ties to white nationalist groups. Mullin didn’t need to say much here; the hypocrisy spoke for itself. After all, the phrase was printed in the very same cathedral program for Jimmy Carter’s burial—a detail so ludicrous it deserves its own Netflix special.
And while they were busy dissecting Hegseth’s tattoos, one senator had the nerve to criticize his alleged failure to manage a budget. This, coming from a body that has failed six consecutive Pentagon audits. Six. If Hegseth went over budget by $75,000, he might as well have been auditioning for sainthood compared to the multibillion-dollar black holes these senators routinely oversee.
The High Horse Falls Over
What truly took the cake, though, was Mullin’s scathing reminder of the Senate’s own moral failings. From drunken votes to cheating scandals, the very people grilling Hegseth wouldn’t survive the scrutiny they demand of him. “You guys hold yourselves to this higher standard,” Mullin said, “but you forget you’ve got a big plank in your eye.”
That plank? It’s practically a redwood.
A Circus of Hypocrisy
Watching these confirmation hearings is like watching a bad episode of C-SPAN: After Dark. Senators grandstand about integrity and judgment, ignoring their own glaring shortcomings. They lecture us about what’s good for America while managing to embody the very worst of it.
Take Senator Elizabeth Warren, for example. She grilled Hegseth on women in combat roles, but her party had no problem ignoring Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan—a decision that left women (and men) behind in a Taliban-controlled nightmare. The irony practically writes itself.
Or consider Secretary Lloyd Austin, who received a free pass from the same Democrats despite stepping off the board of defense contractor Raytheon. But sure, let’s pretend Hegseth’s tattoos are the real threat to America’s national security.
Closing Argument: America Deserves Better
This spectacle isn’t just a stain on Pete Hegseth’s confirmation hearing; it’s a stain on the Senate itself. Americans are tired of being lectured by the very people who violate their own standards with impunity. The hypocrisy on display isn’t just laughable—it’s insulting.
Senator Mullin’s fiery defense of Hegseth wasn’t just about standing up for a Trump nominee. It was about calling out the Senate’s festering swamp of double standards. And in doing so, he reminded us of an inconvenient truth: If these senators were held to the same standards they demand of others, half of them would be out of a job.
So, the next time you see a senator grandstanding about “qualifications,” just remember: It’s not about qualifications. It’s about power, hypocrisy, and putting on a show for the cameras. The American people deserve better than this circus.
And as for Hegseth? He deserves a Senate confirmation hearing, not a Senate roast.
Watch Video: Plank In Your Eye