There comes a point where you have to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything. In today’s America, the stakes are higher than ever, and for me, the choice in voting is simple. It’s not about party loyalty or political traditions, but about standing up for the values that matter most to me. The real question isn’t which side of the political aisle is perfect — because, let’s be honest, neither is — but rather, which side is aggressively promoting ideals that contradict what I believe is essential to a healthy society, and a functioning nation.
You may not care about the issues I’m about to raise, as they are written from a Christian world view, but they are critically important to me. There are numerous political concerns on both sides of the fence, but for me, the survival of the family unit is the most significant.
I cannot, in good conscience, align myself with a party that seeks to redefine the family — the cornerstone of our civilization. A party that endorses policies encouraging children to alter their bodies, sometimes without the requirement of parental consent is no party I can support. A party that pushes for same-sex marriage as a societal norm, I cannot support. A party that could strip parents of custody for not “affirming” a child’s decision to transition genders, is not a party I can stand behind. A party that advocates the promotion of drag queens to spread their agenda in children's class rooms, is not the party for me.
It gets worse. We’re talking about a party that believes people should use bathrooms, locker rooms, and compete in sports based on their chosen gender identity, rather than their biological sex. They’ve embraced the absurdity of pronouns that defy reality and logic. In a quest for "equity," they push policies that subvert the very essence of equality itself. These are the core reasons — socially — that prevent me from voting Democrat.
At Odds With Christianity: A Party of Moral Decay
Here’s the cold, hard truth: I believe no Christian should ever vote for the Democratic Party. Period. No political organization in American history has been more at odds with biblical Christianity than today’s Democrats. They have practically canonized the ritualistic sacrifice of the unborn, cementing abortion into their platform as if it were a sacred rite. The Bible clearly teaches that life begins at conception, yet Democrats promote abortion not just in the early stages of pregnancy but up until birth—and even beyond. In January 2023, nearly every House Democrat voted to kill babies who survived botched abortions. If that doesn’t make you pause, what will?
And abortion is just the tip of the iceberg. Marriage, the sacred union between one man and one woman has been entirely dismantled by Democrats who refuse to acknowledge this principle. The family, as a social institution, is crumbling before our eyes, thanks to the left’s obsession with alternatives to the biblical family model. These are not minor disagreements; these are fundamental breaks from the truth.
But the attacks don’t stop there. The Democratic Party is the champion of so-called “gender-affirming care,” a sanitized phrase hiding the monstrous reality of irreversible self-mutilation. Let me be clear: God created humans male and female (Genesis 1:27). There is no “gender spectrum.” For any Christian, that fact alone should end all support for the Democratic Party. Yet here we are, in 2024, still debating whether a child can "choose" their gender. The fact the Democratic party believes that men can get pregnant is proof that something is just not right here, as it defies both biology and common sense.
But What About the Poor?
Ah, yes, the other half of the evangelical excuse for voting blue: “But they care about the poor and disadvantaged.” Do they really? Or do they just care about power? Democrats push wealth redistribution like it’s a biblical mandate. In reality, this is nothing more than legalized theft. The Bible clearly says, “You shall not steal” (Exodus 20:15). In 2 Thessalonians 3:10, it’s even clearer: “If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.” The Democrat vision of a socialist utopia rewards laziness, not labor. That’s not compassion; it’s corruption.
Sure, some Christians will cite passages about caring for the poor, the sojourner, and the widow (Deuteronomy 24:19; Proverbs 14:31), but this is often a bait-and-switch tactic. Yes, we should help those in need, but nowhere does Scripture endorse government-sponsored socialism as a means to do it.
What About the Sojourner?
Now let’s talk about immigration. Democrats love to paint themselves as the compassionate party, the defenders of the sojourner. But compassion without law is chaos. As Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, he did so to protect the city from foreign invaders (Nehemiah 1-7). It’s not unbiblical for a nation to have borders. In fact, it’s necessary. Romans 13 clearly states that the role of government is to protect its people, not to open the floodgates to illegal immigrants, drug cartels, and human traffickers.
Voting Democrat in the name of compassion for the “sojourner” is not just misguided; it’s dangerous.
Flip-Flopping on Morality
And let’s not forget the issue of race. Democrats have taken Critical Race Theory (CRT) and push a divisive narrative that all white people are inherently racist. This is not biblical. James 2:1-7 teaches us that partiality is a sin, yet Democrats embrace it as policy. This party, in the name of “justice,” advocates for injustice at every turn.
Although the Bible doesn’t contain a specific commandment like “Thou shalt not be racist,” the principles of Scripture clearly oppose any form of mistreatment based on race. Genesis 1:26 tells us that all human beings are made in the image of God, and James 3:9 reminds us that cursing others is wrong because they bear God's likeness.
Proverbs repeatedly condemns the mistreatment of individuals, including the poor, because it mocks their Creator. Likewise, when we mistreat, dismiss, or exclude others because of their race, we insult the God who made us all in His image. Racism isn’t just a violation of a moral rule; it’s an affront to God Himself. The Democratic party pushes division and uses race and identity politics to do this. The worst thing for the democratic party is for whites and blacks to unite. So how can any Christian, who believes in the equality of all men and women before God, support such a party?
The Final Question: Which Party Is More Unbiblical?
Look, we can argue all day about which party aligns more with the Bible, but that’s not the real question we should be asking. The real question is: Which party is more unbiblical? And when you frame the question that way, the choice becomes crystal clear. If you value the sanctity of life, moral order, and common sense, the Democratic Party is not just a poor choice — it’s an impossible one.
There’s a way that leads to truth, and a way that leads to destruction. The Democratic Party? It’s not on the path of truth. Their policies promote division, undermine family values, and contradict biblical principles at every turn. From the erosion of religious freedom to the aggressive pursuit of moral relativism, they are steering this nation away from its foundational truths. A vote for them is not just a political choice; it is an endorsement of a dangerous social experiment that threatens the very fabric of our society.
As Christians, we are called to be discerning, to stand for righteousness, and to be the salt and light in a darkening world. We cannot, in good conscience, support a party that actively works to dismantle the moral and spiritual bedrock that this country was built on. The choices we make at the ballot box will ripple through future generations, shaping the nation they inherit. Will we stand for truth, or will we allow deception to lead us down a path of destruction?
The time to choose is now. Let us not be swayed by political correctness, but instead hold fast to eternal truths and vote in a way that honors God.
This article is deeply personal to me for a number of reasons. Some of the issues I address here may come across as judgmental or indicative of a closed mind, but if you know me, you know that’s not the case. I don’t stand in judgment—I stand on biblical foundations that I believe are right for me. Many of the topics mentioned in this article are in direct opposition to what I believe, but even if we set aside the spiritual component and simply use common sense, it’s clear that the path Democrats are pursuing is destructive. This agenda will undermine the family unit, and once that’s dismantled, our world as we know it will never be the same. The Democrats are pushing a social experiment onto everyone, whether we want it or not. I wish we could turn the clock back to a time when faith, family, and common sense were valued above political agendas.