WASHINGTON, DC — In an act that could only be described as the political equivalent of a high-stakes poker game, Representative Chip Roy (TX-21) has thrown down the gauntlet with his bill, H.R. 8281, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. In his impassioned statement, he dared the Democrats to vote against a bill that asserts only American citizens should have the right to vote in American elections. And guess what? 198 Democrats rose to the challenge, leaving everyone asking, "What in the name of apple pie is going on here?"
In his fiery declaration, Roy painted a vivid picture of a nation under siege by "radical progressive Democrats" who, according to him, are treating American citizenship like an outdated coupon book. He argued that through "open borders, lawlessness, and attacks on this nation’s founding principles," the left is tearing apart the fabric of America. It’s a dramatic tale fit for a Hollywood blockbuster, where citizenship is the damsel in distress, and Chip Roy is the cowboy coming to the rescue.
But the real comedy gold here is the dare itself. Imagine a schoolyard standoff, but instead of double-dog dares about eating bugs, it's about the very core of democratic integrity. "I dare [Democrats] to vote no against a bill that says that only citizens – AMERICAN CITIZENS – should vote in American elections," Roy proclaimed, his metaphorical cape billowing in the wind. And the Democrats, perhaps feeling the spirit of mischief, responded with a collective "No thanks, we're good."
So, why on earth would politicians vote against such a seemingly no-brainer bill? Is it because they enjoy the chaos of an all-you-can-vote buffet? Do they relish the idea of election booths turning into a scene straight out of a Monty Python sketch, with everyone from the village blacksmith to the town crier casting a ballot? It's the kind of political theater that makes one wonder if we've all stumbled into a satirical reality show.
Perhaps these politicians envision a utopian America where election day is a national festival. Picture this: streets filled with parades of enthusiastic voters, from every corner of the globe, marching to the polls without a care for documentation. Ballots rain down like confetti as a mariachi band plays in the background. It's an absurd carnival of democracy where everyone gets a turn at the voting piñata.
But let’s reel it back to reality. The notion that citizenship shouldn’t be a prerequisite for voting is like suggesting that a valid ID is optional for flying on an airplane. It's not just about bending the rules; it's about throwing the rulebook out the window and hoping for the best. It’s the political equivalent of letting anyone with a pulse into a top-secret government facility because, hey, who needs security?
And now, despite the bill's narrow approval in the House, it faces the gauntlet of the Senate, and even if it miraculously makes it through, President Biden has promised to whip out his veto pen like a magic wand. One has to wonder, does Biden keep that pen in a special holster, ready to draw at a moment’s notice? It’s almost as if he’s preparing for a showdown at the OK Corral, with the SAVE Act being the latest tumbleweed to roll by.
In the end, Chip Roy’s dare to the Democrats is a challenge wrapped in an enigma, cloaked in a comedy of errors. It’s a reminder that in the wild world of politics, sometimes the absurdity is the point. So grab your popcorn, folks. The show is far from over, and the next act promises even more hilarity and head-scratching moments.

For additional info on this topic click: https://www.elephantsden.com/post/parody-joe-biden-s-new-voting-strategy-who-needs-proof-anyway