In a bold move that has everyone talking, Milton Bradley has launched their latest board game, "Banana Republic," an enjoyable take on the weaponization of laws against political opponents. This game promises hours of devious fun as players navigate the treacherous waters of lawfare, aiming to jail, bankrupt, and utterly destroy the lives of their assigned political targets. Whether you're targeting Donald Trump, a January 6th protester, or a concerned parent at a school board meeting, "Banana Republic" offers endless opportunities for corrupt legal maneuvers.
Game Objective: The goal is simple: use every dirty trick in the book to ruin your political opponent's life. Players gain points for each successful takedown, with bonus points for particularly creative and ruthless moves.
Game Components:
Political Opponent Cards: (and many other opponent opportunities)
Donald Trump
January 6th Protester
Concerned Parents
Supreme Court Judge
Conservative Journalists
American Patriots
Small Business Owner Defying Lockdown Orders
Medical doctors / Scientists with different viewpoints
Social Media Influencer with different Opinions
Lawfare Tactic Cards:
FBI evidence tampering
Call everything racist:
Redefine free speech, anything opposite of the narrative is hate speech
Redefine all words, example, upset school parents are domestic terrorist's
Obscure law discovery: Find a 100 year old law that is obsolete to charge tour opponent. Older the law, more points.
Character Assassination: Release a scandalous, fabricate story about your opponents. Opponent loses 300 reputation points.
Media Blitz: Launch a 24/7 media smear campaign: Roll a 6 to receives permanent character destruction
Financial Ruin: Impose crippling fines for minor infractions
Endless Legal Battles: Force your opponent into a never-ending legal battle.
Collusion with government agencies: Work secretly or illegally with others in order to deceive the public.
Spread Lies, Falsehoods and Rumors: Repeat until the lie is believed. Bonus points.
Scandal Tokens:
Fake News Frenzy: Plant a fake news story. Opponent loses points debunking it.
Social Media Mob: Unleash an online mob against your opponent.
Anonymous Tip: Send an anonymous tip to the authorities. Opponent is investigated.
Leak embarrassing emails.
Special Actions:
Corrupt Judge: Bribe a corrupt judge to ensure a guilty verdict.
Conduct an IRS audit. Opponent must pay a hefty fine or forfeit 1 asset.
Big Tech Censorship: Get your opponent banned from social media. Opponent loses all influence points.
NGO Infiltration: "Plant operatives in NGOs to spread false accusations. Opponent must clear their name before proceeding.
Whistleblower Plant: Create a fake whistleblower.
Initiatives by the DOJ: Special bonus for "kill orders"
Gameplay Highlights:
Bureaucratic Maze: Navigate the red tape and use bureaucratic delays to your advantage. Receive bonus points every time time opponent fails to file correctly.
Media Manipulation: Use media outlets to spin every action your opponent takes. Gain bonus points for the most outrageous headlines.
Public Outrage: Incite public outrage over trivial matters. Roll a die to see how many protests you can organize against your opponent.
Winning the Game: The first player to successfully jail, bankrupt, and destroy the character of their assigned political opponent wins the game. Bonus points are awarded for creative use of the obstructing the law and for making the legal system a complete farce. "Banana Republic" is the perfect game for those looking to experience the thrill of political lawfare without the pesky ethics and legality.
Whether you're playing with friends or family, this game promises to turn your living room into fun for the entire family as you help create a battleground of corruption and ruin innocent people's lives. So, gather your most unscrupulous allies and dive into the dark, and ruthless world of "Banana Republic"—where the only rule is there are no rules.