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MUSING: The Comedy of Errors - Biden's Administration is Like Home Alone on Steroids

Writer's picture: The ElephantThe Elephant

Updated: Jun 30, 2024

Friends, Romans, country-elephants, lend me your ears (or tusks)! I was born in 1960, a time when men were men, women were women, and children roamed free-range in the neighborhoods of America. Sure, we had our scandals – Watergate, Monica Lewinsky's stained dress, Weapons of Mass Destruction, but those were mere peccadilloes compared to the three-ring circus we've been living in for the past three and a half years. If you think the modern political landscape makes Watergate look like a minor clerical error, you’re not alone. Grab your popcorn, folks, because this is going to be a longer than usual article and I'm only skimming the surface.

Gender Benders and Bathroom Blunders

Remember when bathrooms were simple places where you went in to do your business and left? Ah, the good old days. Now, thanks to a presidential executive order, men are allowed not only to compete in women's sports but also to grace the ladies' rooms and locker rooms with their presence. It’s like the plot of a 1980s slapstick comedy, except it’s real life, and no one’s laughing.

Title IX Turned Upside Down

Then there’s the Biden administration’s reimagining of Title IX, originally designed to ensure gender equality in sports. Instead, they’ve turned it on its head, allowing men to compete in women’s sports and snatch away their scholarships. It’s like holding a heavyweight boxing match and throwing in a featherweight for kicks. Collegiate sports for women are being obliterated faster than a plate of nachos at a Super Bowl party. Forget fairness; it’s now a three-ring circus where the bearded lady takes home the gold. Title IX, meet Title Nein.

The Afghan Fiasco

Then there was the grand debacle of our Afghan withdrawal. Picture it: The US military, exiting stage left, leaving behind billions in ammunition and 13 soldiers tragically lost, including turning our backs on the Afghan people and leaving American hostages to fend for themselves. It's the kind of exit strategy that makes you wonder if the plan was crafted by a group of toddlers playing Risk. Afghan terrorists, now armed to the teeth, must be pinching themselves in disbelief at this unexpected windfall.

A White House Drag Show

If you think things couldn’t get weirder, let me introduce you to the new executive hires at the White House. It’s like RuPaul’s Drag Race met The West Wing. We’ve got men who think they’re women running the show, strippers baring all on the White House lawn, and drag queens getting more standing ovations than a Broadway star. And don’t get me started on the Easter egg hunt that shuns Christian symbols but embraces a rainbow of inclusivity. Is it any wonder that world governments have lost respect for the United States?

The Pride Parade

Speaking of rainbows, the White House has been lit up in more colors than a bag of Skittles. The Pride flag flying high next to the American flag? Sure, why not. It’s all part of the new, improved, and utterly confusing national identity. And don't forget the proper pronouns.

Judicial Cluelessness

A Biden Supreme Court appointee can’t define what a woman is. It’s like asking a fish to describe water. "I’m not a biologist," she says. Well, thank you, Your Honor, that clears everything up.

Pregnant Men and Prisoner Swap

Ever heard the one about the head of our medical executive branch declaring men can get pregnant? No, it’s not a Monty Python sketch; it’s modern science, folks. Then, of course, there’s the prisoner swap: a Soviet arms dealer for a basketball player who’s about as patriotic as a wet noodle. Meanwhile, real American heroes rot in foreign jails. It’s like trading a diamond for a used napkin.

Cocaine in the White House

Who could forget the cocaine found in the White House? A classic case of "kids, don’t do drugs, unless you work here, then it's apparently fine." It’s like a bad sitcom plot where the bumbling characters accidentally stumble upon a baggie of powder. Apparently, in the Biden administration, it’s not just policy decisions that are getting a little wild—someone’s party habits are too. It's a modern twist on "Breakfast at Tiffany's," except it's "Blow in the Oval Office." With all this excitement, who needs Netflix?

Weaponizing Justice

The DOJ is now targeting parents as domestic terrorists. Yes, you read that right. Johnny’s mom questioning the school board is now on par with the ISIS and Hamas. Meanwhile, peaceful January 6th protesters are locked up, and cities are burning with impunity. It’s an episode of Cops meets The Purge. But the madness doesn't stop there. The DOJ has also set its sights on political adversaries like Donald Trump, Peter Navarro, and General Michael Flynn, treating them as public enemy number one. While cities burn and real criminals walk free, these agencies focus their efforts on intimidating and silencing those who dare to dissent. It’s like Orwell's 1984, but with more paperwork and fewer catchy slogans. The irony is thicker than a Washington, D.C. fog.

Drag Queens in Schools

And let’s not overlook the school scene. Drag queens are now the new role models, reading to our kids and promoting their agenda. Parents? They’re being sidelined like extras in this bizarre theatrical production. And politicians wonder why the school system is failing.

Borderline Insanity

Our borders? Wide open. Millions of illegal aliens streaming in, among them some unsavory characters. It’s the plot of a disaster movie, but the devastation is all too real. The amount of resources being spent on the immigrants is stripping the country of its resources to help its own citizens but who's counting, after all what matters are the votes even if it means we destroy our country in the process.

Inflation Nation

And let’s talk about money. Or rather, the lack of it. Inflation is skyrocketing, and Americans are struggling. But don’t worry, folks, our tax dollars are hard at work... in Iran and Ukraine. Giving money too Iran so they can turn around and fun terrorist organizations to be used against us in other countries. Borrowing money from China so we can turn around and give them billions in foreign aide. It's the financial equivalent of burning your house down to keep warm.

Frankenstein’s Gender Lab

Welcome to the Biden administration’s version of Frankenstein’s lab, where children confused about their gender are subjected to medical procedures that would make Dr. Frankenstein proud. Forget that progressive teachers are behind much of this confusion; the end result is children undergoing life-altering procedures, sometimes without their parents' knowledge, all in the name of "progress." These kids are being fed propaganda like it’s lunchtime mystery meat, creating mental dilemmas that weren’t even on the menu. To top it off, they’re bringing in questionable materials for minors, with the blessings of Biden and his merry band of cronies, who seem determined to dismantle our country one misguided policy at a time. It's a horror show, folks.

Defunding the Police

In a stroke of sheer genius, the administration endorsed the defunding of the police. Because, obviously, the best way to protect citizens is to have fewer protectors, right? It’s like solving a pothole problem by banning asphalt. Nothing says "safety" like fewer cops on the street while crime rates skyrocket. Who needs law and order when you can have chaos and mayhem instead? It's like they took a page out of the "How to Create Anarchy for Dummies" playbook and ran with it.

Mandates and Madness

Let's not forget the time Biden shut down the entire economy, forcing businesses to close and firing people who didn’t comply with the mandates—all over what many argued was a glorified flu. For those who claim COVID was real and deadly, ask yourself: where is COVID now? The American public was used as guinea pigs, injected with experimental drugs that had no concrete proof of efficacy. To top it off, there was no legal recourse for the over 1,400 plus side effects, including death. It's like a dystopian novel where citizens are pawns in a grand, hazardous game, except this is real life, and the consequences are dire

Apocalyptic Environmental Fantasies

And let's not forget the Biden administration’s unwavering belief that the world is on the brink of an apocalyptic meltdown due to global warming. In a bid to save us all, they’ve turned our economy upside down by pursuing a strategy that eliminates the vast majority of fossil fuels. It’s like deciding to stop using boats to prevent water pollution—effective, but enjoy swimming to Europe! For decades, we've heard dire warnings about environmental catastrophes, from acid rain and the vanishing ozone layer to the melting ice caps and Al Gore’s dramatic doomsday predictions. Yet, here we are, still waiting for Atlantis to resurface. Lacking solid evidence that global warming will indeed end life as we know it, and that the money being spent will actually fix anything, the administration forges ahead. It’s the height of absurdity, like watching Chicken Little run the economy, all while the sky stubbornly refuses to fall.

Scandals and Family Ties

And then there’s the Biden family circus, a scandalous saga that makes Watergate look like a schoolyard spat. Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop revealed a treasure trove of questionable dealings, raising eyebrows higher than a D.C. monument. Let’s not forget the video of President Biden himself threatening to withhold aid to Ukraine if they dared investigate his son Hunter. Then there’s Joe Biden’s daughter, who penned in her diary about taking showers with her father – a detail straight out of a psychological thriller. Add to that the accusations from Tara Reade and others, painting a picture of a man with more skeletons in his closet than a Halloween store. And let’s not overlook the over 20 bank accounts linked to Biden’s extended family, filled with foreign funds and no discernible business purpose. It’s a soap opera of corruption and intrigue, starring America’s first family.

The Final Straw

And in the midst of all this chaos, our commander-in-chief is checking his watch during military funerals and telling Hawaii fire victims about a minor kitchen fire. Talk about empathy. It’s like sending a clown to a funeral – tragically inappropriate and painfully awkward.

After witnessing this circus, I had an epiphany while watching the debate between Trump and Biden. It hit me like a pie in the face – Biden isn’t running the show. We’re like kids left home alone while our parents are on a never-ending vacation. No wonder the house is a mess.

So, there you have it, folks. Our country is being run by a cast of characters that would make a soap opera blush. It’s absurd, it’s ludicrous, and sadly, it’s all too real. But at least we can laugh, right? Because if we don’t, we might just cry.

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