In today’s political landscape, the line between faith and political expediency seems blurrier than ever. High-profile figures such as Steph Curry and Pope Francis, once held up as champions of their respective communities, have increasingly endorsed the Harris-Walz administration, leaving many wondering if they’ve strayed from the core tenets of the Christian faith or simply created their own version of it to fit the times. In a bizarre twist, they’ve managed to craft a religion that seems more about pleasing cultural trends than standing firm on biblical teachings. And let’s not forget the curious case of Mike Pence, who seems to have swapped out his Christian values in favor of a political compass set to "expediency."
Steph Curry and Pope Francis: The New Apostles of Woke?
Steph Curry’s shot from half-court may be one of the most impressive feats in basketball, but when it comes to his understanding of the Christian faith, he’s shooting air balls. Similarly, Pope Francis, revered as the head of the Catholic Church, seems to have exchanged the Bible for a woke playbook. Both have endorsed the Harris-Walz administration with such fervor, it’s almost as if they’ve forgotten the central tenets of Christianity altogether. What faith are they promoting? Is it the faith that teaches that all life is sacred (Genesis 1:26), that God knew each of us before we were formed in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5), or that we should not kill unjustly (Luke 18:20)?
No, it seems they’ve traded these beliefs for a more palatable, culturally convenient version of “faith.” One that doesn’t ask hard questions about life or morality but instead embraces a nebulous sense of “compassion” that aligns perfectly with the woke agenda being force-fed to the public. They’ve essentially become apostles of acceptance, kneeling at the altar of identity politics and dodging any real engagement with Scripture. After all, why stand up for biblical principles when it’s easier to blend in with the culture and receive a pat on the back for “tolerance”?
Kamala’s Convenient Theology
Even Vice President Kamala Harris has jumped on the faith-revision bandwagon, famously declaring, "One does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree: The government, and certainly Donald Trump, should not be telling a woman what to do with her body." In one sentence, she manages to reduce millennia of Christian teaching on life and morality to a slogan fit for a bumper sticker.
But Kamala’s statement isn’t just a misrepresentation of Christian doctrine; it’s a complete distortion of Trump’s actual position. Trump didn’t dictate what women should or shouldn’t do with their bodies—he simply returned the power to decide on abortion to the states, putting the matter back into the hands of the people. In other words, he upheld the democratic process. Kamala, on the other hand, has taken it upon herself to speak for faith, morality, and now apparently, the will of God. It’s faith-on-demand, available for customization based on your political needs.
Tony Dungy: A True Champion of Faith
In contrast to these faith-bending acrobats, Tony Dungy stands firm. When he questioned Kamala Harris’s understanding of faith, he wasn’t just asking rhetorical questions. He was calling out the very heart of the issue: How can someone claim to hold onto the Christian faith while advocating for policies that go against its most fundamental teachings?
Dungy asks Kamala directly, “Exactly what 'faith' are you talking about when you say you don’t have to abandon it to support abortion? Are you talking about the Christian faith that says all babies are made in the image of God? Or are you talking about some nebulous, general 'faith' that says we're good enough, and smart enough to make our own decisions?"
Dungy isn’t caving to the culture. He isn’t revising his beliefs to make people like him. He’s standing up for truth, even when it’s uncomfortable—especially when it’s uncomfortable. And that’s exactly what Christians are called to do. He knows that Christianity isn’t about conforming to cultural trends; it’s about holding fast to the teachings of Christ, no matter the cost.
The New "Christianity": All Acceptance, No Accountability
Steph Curry and Pope Francis are the faces of a new type of Christianity, one that requires no conviction and no courage. Their faith is like a spiritual buffet—pick what you want and leave behind anything that’s inconvenient or offensive to the modern ear. They’ve become the high priests of this new woke religion, offering blessings to political platforms that stand in direct contradiction to biblical values, while scolding those who dare question their newfound “wisdom.”
And why not? It’s much easier to bend the knee to the Harris-Walz administration than it is to stand firm on the Word of God. It’s much simpler to promote a faith of acceptance rather than one of accountability. After all, what’s the harm in a little compromise, right? As long as they get to keep their place in the spotlight, it seems that’s all that matters.
Conclusion: A Call for Courage
It’s time for Christians to stop bending to the winds of political correctness and start standing up for their faith. Tony Dungy’s words should be a rallying cry for all believers: Do we follow the world’s version of faith, or do we follow the truth? It takes no courage to endorse an administration that promotes convenience over conviction, but it takes real bravery to stand up for biblical truth in a world that’s increasingly hostile to it.
Tony Dungy has that bravery. Do Pope Francis and Steph Curry? Only time will tell, but until then, it’s clear who is standing firm in their faith—and who is simply kneeling at the altar of woke.