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Dick Cheney, Guardian of Democracy...or Just Trying to Protect Daddy's Little Liezzie?

Writer's picture: The ElephantThe Elephant

With Family Like This, Who Needs Democrats?

Let’s start with the news flash of the century: Dick Cheney endorses Kamala Harris for president based on his concerns about the “threats to our Republic.” Yes, the same Dick Cheney who, once upon a time, was known for his iron-fisted approach to American foreign policy, Halliburton sweetheart deals, and the famous ability to shoot his hunting buddy in the face without blinking. So, naturally, we should all stop and take a serious pause when he starts pontificating about political integrity and the survival of our democracy. Right?

Let’s check the scorecard on Cheney’s sudden "deep concerns."

- Free Speech? Apparently, that’s only for people who aren't exposing the family business. Harris-Biden can shut down speech like a referee at a soccer match, but Cheney? Crickets.

- Corruption? Well, if you’re the Biden family, nothing to see here folks—move along. If you’re anyone else, like say, Trump, it’s a moral obligation to dig up dirt and prosecute. Dick, your silence is deafening.

- Vax Mandates? Remember when losing your job because you didn’t want the jab was the ultimate career-enhancing move? But don’t worry, Cheney stayed silent through that too, because it's only wrong when it happens to his people.

- FBI on Parents? When the Harris-Biden regime called in the FBI on parents protesting school boards for turning their kids into indoctrinated zombies, Cheney’s outrage meter must’ve been broken.

- Border Breakers? The border? Pfft, who needs national security when you can score political points, right? Cheney’s watching that southern floodgate swing open, and instead of concern, he’s probably thinking, "At least it’s not a quail getting through that wall.”

But perhaps the most delicious bit of irony here is Cheney’s sudden obsession with "defending the Republic." Oh, the irony! A man who orchestrated entire wars with the flair of a Bond villain is now telling us the real threat to the nation is...Trump? He must have forgotten that it was Trump who brought troops home instead of sending them off to look for nonexistent Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs).

But wait, let’s not miss the underlying issue here. We all know what this is really about: Daddy’s Little Lie-zzie, also known as Liz Cheney, the self-proclaimed Republican turncoat. Yep, the Liz who, when caught stretching the truth about January 6th, made Pinocchio look like a paragon of virtue. And now, poor old Dick is out here, playing political expediency like it’s a round of Texas Hold 'Em. “Anything to defend my daughter” is basically Cheney’s bumper sticker at this point, even if it means turning his back on the party he once pretended to care about.

In classic Cheney fashion, when it comes to the Republican Party, Dick is now about as loyal as a cat at a dog show. Remember when he was once the stoic symbol of conservative values? Well, now he’s taken those values, shredded them up like classified documents, and mailed them off to the Harris-Biden administration with a kiss.

Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane: Cheney, who once built his political career on toughness, loyalty, and doing what’s “right for America,” is now spending his twilight years cozied up to a regime that’s gone out of its way to dismantle the very principles he once claimed to hold dear. Guess there’s no flip-flop too big when it comes to defending

Little Lie-zzie.

So, Dick, here’s a tip: the next time you’re concerned about "threats to our Republic," maybe focus on the real threats—you know, like political opportunists who’ve sold out for their own personal gain. Oh wait... you’d have to look in a mirror for that one.

And as for your grandstanding about the Republic, we’ll file that under “Things That Matter Less Than Your Approval Rating in Wyoming.”

For more on this topic click: Convictions as Real as a $3 Bill.

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